Hannah Li 李嘉諭

Editorial, Web Design
Editorial, Visual Identity
Poster Design
Typeface Design
Web Design  


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© 2024 Hannah Li
Whispers in the Night: Wong Kar Wai’s Poetic Vision of Love

(Editorial Design)
(Visual Identity)

Dimensions: 3.6×8.45 inches
No. of Pages: 40

InDesign, Illustrator

An imagined exhibition at Hong Kong's M+ art museum, focusing on Wong Kar Wai, a Hong Kong-based film director. The exhibition includes three of Wong's films: Days of Being Wild, In the Mood of Love, and 2046, which depict a journey through the complexities of love and relationships, from the wild and reckless to the restrained and unspoken. The project includes an exhibition catalog as well as applications of the formal system in a variety of contexts.

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