Hannah Li 李嘉諭

Editorial, Web Design
Editorial, Visual Identity
Poster Design
Typeface Design
Web Design  


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© 2024 Hannah Li

Wiki Book

Book Design
Oct–Nov 2022

120 pages
US Trade / 6 x 9"
InDesign, Photoshop
Designing a book based on the Wikipedia entry about mosaics. It is a decorative art form that has always fascinated me from its intricate process and distinctive aesthetic. Hence I decided to translate the entry’s information into visual form.

I imagine the book to be presented at museums or galleries that exhibits mosaic artworks, acting as a complementary item and source for the audience to further explore mosaic.

The entry’s complete text was used as the content of the book. Though the content attempts to introduce readers to mosaic, its history, materials, and techniques, the design explores the overlapping qualities between the traditional practice of mosaic and the imagery of pixelation in digital resolutions and printing.
